Below are two of the Spanish Heavies I have been painting. Battleline miniatures from Auckland (Spanish aren't too bad). Painted as the Reg d' Algarve, quite pretty with their Blue coats and yellow facings.
The completed units (In VLE a Cav unit is 4-7 elements (2 figures each)), given that Spanish Cav were always woefully undermanned and underhorsed I have set the units at 4. Also given the current Napoleonic campaign the Spanish Cav is quite weak, and I do relish the day that I can command several units of Heavies.
Right on to the main show.
Below is one of the Dismounted Italian Guard Dragoons, I have added as much detai l as I can (and just noticed a white spot on the back lace :( ), I also need to improve my lighting for camera work, but I guess this will always be an issue when the photos are taken at 10.30pm.
Next is a mounted Dragoon, the horse isn't painted but the figure is around 90% done. I might play around with these images brightness as they seem to look different on this PC compared to the latop at home.
An Elite company in his Bearskin, again the horse not started- I quite like this figure but I do need to finish his scabbard and the cockade on the bearskin.
Below a Dismounted Dragoon attempting to scale a fortification, that contains various medical supplies and Comissionary documents.
Another of the dismounted Dragoons, I'll be tidying up his eyes soon and will try the next figures with no eye paint, but more increased shading of the flesh around the area.