So aftershock central has started to quieten down ! I also checked the garage (My storage area) and it looks like some minor wargame repairs are needed as luckily the only things hat came down housed unpainted or junk wargames boxes.
So I pulled out the 28mmm WW2 Russians to finally finish them. I had the majority in various states of finish so now I'm going back through them all to tidy up and get them based, then after some more 15mm Spanish I'll launch into the Germans (And that PzIV) !
First cab off the rank is my NCO. The figure is Black Tree Design (very nice figure but the company is terrible and has a lot of angry peoploe after it). Khaki padded tunic and Russian green trousers - each is three layer shading and he is 80% done.
80% done infantry man in winter uniform.
A French Officer ! Yes I also have 20 or so 1939 French infantry- they are painted fully but I am doing the odd tidyup as the Quake dropped the box and the odd lead chip is showing.
So - Im finishing 8 at a time so hopefully by next week all will be done. I will then glue them to old 20c pieces as a base and flock them (Which I suck at badly)
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